We’re more than a week into 2023. Unfortunately, that means we’ve reached the time where the New Year’s fog is no longer a socially-acceptable excuse for not having your shit together.

So, where are you at? Did you come into 2023 hot and raring to go with goals, resolutions, ambition, and awesomeness?

Or are you dragging your tired ass along, barely holding it together, still unsure which day of the week it is?! (Ahem, that’s me.)

Wherever you’re at, I want you to consider your writing goals for this year. BUT… not in the way you might imagine.

I am NOT encouraging you to make big, ambitious writing goals.

Our society is so go-go-go that we sometimes think we have to do it all-all-all.

But we don’t.

Please don’t be pressured into setting overly-ambitious goals for writing or anything else (unless you want to).

Big goals can be motivating at times, but sometimes it’s enough just to point your feet in the right direction.

It’s an accomplishment to shuffle forward.

You don’t need to run the whole race today.

If you can take on big goals for this year, that’s fantastic. But if not, choose the direction you want to go, point your feet that way, and give yourself permission to take it slow.

I started the year by blocking time in my calendar for two-hour writing sessions twice a week for my personal book project. By the time I’d missed the first scheduled session, I knew that was a bust.

Now, I’m doing twenty minutes a day, four days a week. So far, it’s working. Smaller is better for me, for now.

Perhaps it will be for you, too.

You don’t need to write a billion words a day and publish five books in a series this year. Try twenty minutes a day, instead. Try writing for fun, not “serious writing.” Try the smallest step you can think of.

That way, you don’t need the motivation of new year new-ness. You can keep moving forward with or without motivation, with or without knowing which damn day of the week it is.

Here’s to small goals.


Liz “Small Goals R Us” Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing


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