So, you have an idea for a book about your life. You want to share what went down and, if it can help just one person going through what you experienced, it will all be worth it. But where the fork do you start? There’s so much to wrap your head around. And if you have started already, how do you bring it together so it’s more than a jumbled mush of random chapters?

It’s cool. I got something for ya.

​​After writing 16 books, teaching college writing classes, and editing countless manuscripts to help people tell their stories, I’ve packaged all the best stuff I know into a new, LIVE masterclass:

The 3 Little-Known Secrets to Write Your Memoir:
How to Ditch Overwhelm, Get Writing, and Ensure Your Book is Actually Good

In this brand new training, I’ll walk you through:

  • How to Ditch the Overwhelm
    If you haven't started writing because you're paralyzed by the weight of everything you want to say, we're going to take the pressure off.

  • Where to Start Writing
    When you SO BADLY want to do this book thing right, it can stop you in your tracks. I'll show you exactly where to start so you finally make real progress.

  • What It Takes to Make Your Words Shine
    I know you're worried about whether your writing is good enough, so we'll discuss the secrets to ensuring you can feel PROUD of what you create.

  • Why You Can't Shake this Book Idea… and Why That Matters
    If you've been thinking about writing a book for a while, there is a reason. There is something inside that you want to honor.

    Let's stop pushing it down and ignoring that call. It's time to uncover what your book idea is really about, why it won't leave you alone, and why that matters.


Click here to pick the masterclass at a time that works for you. (I’m offering multiple sessions.)

Here’s what it comes down to


If you’re willing to invest 90 minutes in learning, I promise you will get the tools you need to ditch the overwhelm, get writing, and ensure your book is actually good.

And it’s not like I’m convincing you to learn something inane, like the best method of licking stamps. (Apparently there IS an optimum way to lick stamps. Who knew?)

This is something you actually want to know!!! (Also… there IS an optimum way to write a memoir. Just sayin’.)

​​Ninety minutes of learning to set you on the path of accomplishing your lifelong dream of becoming an author.

Sound like a good deal?

It is.

See you there.


Liz "I Got Ya" Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing


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