“Hey Liz, I see your business is doing well, so I wanted to ask: How do you find clients? I’ve enrolled in so many business courses, but I can’t seem to get anywhere. I just want to help people and make money doing what I love.” This was the email I got from Abby last week. And here’s my answer, which hasn’t changed since summer 2018.

Abby and I know each other from a project we were both involved in a few years ago. At that time, we both wanted to make our businesses work online. She was just getting into it, and I was pivoting after feeling pulled to do more fulfilling work.

Abby is an incredible woman. I changed her name and a few identifying details for the sake of this email. (I don’t want to make her blush.) But the real Abby is insightful, empathetic, generous, and kind.

She’s excellent at her work. She just needs to find people she can serve.

People always ask

Since summer 2018, people have continually asked me this. And my answer hasn’t changed. I told Abby the same thing I tell everyone who asks how I’ve found success running an online business.

It all clicked into place—the marketing, the sales, even the type of work I want to do, and how I deliver it—when I took Jenny Shih’s business coaching program, Make It Work Online.

You might’ve heard me rave about it before. I am A.L.W.A.Y.S. raving about it.

Why this was the answer

Before I took the course, I felt like I was putting in so much effort, but it wasn’t paying off. I wasn’t getting clients.

I knew I could do the work, and do it really well. I just didn’t know how to find my people. That drove me nuts!

When I took the course, I got a simple system to figure out my messaging, marketing, systems, and—yes—where to find my people.

The course only runs once a year, and for me, it ended in May 2018. The following month, I increased my revenue by 400% and signed a client for DOUBLE my biggest pay so far.

Great timing

Me and Jenny Shih at the Make It Work Online Live event in 2019.

Me and Jenny Shih at the Make It Work Online Live event in 2019.

That’s why Abby reached out to me. And her message was great timing.

Right now, Jenny Shih is running a free workshop to help business owners go from spinning their wheels to crushing their goals—without sacrificing the things that matter most to them in the process.

The first two videos are already live in the free Facebook group, but there’s still time to catch them—and get the other videos as they come out over the next few weeks.

I sent Abby this link so that she could check it out, and here’s what she sent back:

“I remember you said Jenny Shih’s program changed your business. It makes sense for me to start here. Thank you 🙏❤️.”

What about you?

And I thought, maybe this makes sense for you, too. If your business isn’t where you want it to be right now, check out the free workshop.

In a few weeks, Jenny Shih will be promoting her paid program, Make It Work Online, which is the course that changed my business, so the link I’m sharing here is, naturally, an affiliate link!

But regardless, Jenny’s free content is so helpful that I can’t help but recommend it. Whether you’re interested in the full program on not, it's worth checking out.

So, to sum up:

If your business isn’t where you want it to be:

  • Click here to access Jenny Shih’s free workshop that changed everything for me.

  • If you are interested in the full Make It Work Online program, you can read my honest review here.

I have a hunch that, like Abby, you just want to help people and make money doing what you love.

Me too.

So let’s all be successful together.