What is the ONE thing you need to write a book that I bet you haven't thought about?

Is it an idea more genius than anyone else's? Experience writing? A new take on an old concept? An "in" with a publisher? The best book coach in the world? (That's me, in case you were wondering.)



It takes bravery to stand up and say, "Listen up, bitches. I have something to say, and you should pay attention."

Because that's what we're doing when we write a book, isn't it? We're acknowledging we have something to share, and we want others to take notice.

Of course, it's for good reason. We want them to take notice because we believe their lives will truly be better if they can hear our words.

We're being generous and kind and giving and encouraging by sharing our message, but it still takes balls. Gumption. Audacity. Bravery.

Can you be brave?

So this is my question for you today. Can you be brave?

  • Brave enough to acknowledge in writing what happened to you?

  • Brave enough to share your story?

  • Brave enough to tell others you can help them?

  • Brave enough to try—even though there are no guarantees it will pay off?

It's a genuine question. You might not be ready to be brave yet, and that's okay. Sometimes all we have left is energy to protect ourselves. We all go through phases where we're not able or willing to share. That's totally okay!

But if you are ready... if you are drawn to the page... if you feel that burning need to use your experience to help others...

It is time to be brave.


Liz “Brave Goose” Green
Editor and Book Coach
Green Goose Writing


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