Today, a woman asked me, “What’s the best writing software to write my book?” She’s not alone in wondering about what to use to write a book. I get asked this question a lot. So, here’s the answer: The best writing software is the one you’re already comfortable with. Read on for what this means, and why it ISN’T a lame answer!

All the writing software choices

Back in the day, it was easy to choose your writing medium. You just had to pick between your favorite quills and find a piece of clean parchment.

Today, we have so many options with which to write a book. There’s MS Word, Pages for Apple, Google Docs, Scrivener*, Evernote*, countless other apps and software, and, of course, good ol’ pen and paper. Then there’s voice transcription, which opens us up to a whole other realm of technology choices, like Rev and Descript.

The best software to write a book

Here’s the answer: the best writing software is the one you already find most comfortable.

If you use Google Docs in your business and are familiar with how it works, use that to write your book. If you’ve never used Google Docs before, don’t bother with it!

If you have a Mac and know how to use Pages, don’t go and learn MS Word. Use the software you already know to write your book.

If you’ve only ever written in MS Word, stick with that.

If you’ve never used any writing software, but you use the notes app on your phone for your grocery list, then guess what? You can write your book in your Notes app if you want! Seriously. I start all my books in Evernote, a simple note-taking app on my phone.

Why should you write your book in the most familiar software to you?

Writing a book is a big task, so we want to create as little friction around the challenge as possible. We want to take the path of least resistance.

You can write a book using any software. So don’t waste your time learning something new. Your time is far better spent actually planning and writing your book.

Is that a lame answer?

I have given a lot of people this advice, and I always get the sense they think it’s pretty lame. They don’t want to be told not to worry about it. They’re after an actual answer.

Here’s what I know to be true: Deep down, they’re hoping that if they can just find the best writing software, then writing a book will be easy.

It won’t.

I’m sorry.

I wish I could give you a magic piece of software that will solve all your writing challenges. But that’s not how it works.

The things that you find hard about writing will continue to be hard, no matter which writing software you use.

(There is one caveat to this—reading next week’s post to find out what that is.)

But if you’re not writing, it’s not because you don’t have the right software. There’s something else getting in your way—your mindset, your fears, or a lack of planning.

I’ve been writing for a long time, and I can tell you this: it’s never about the software.

But it’s tough to face up to mindset challenges, fears, and planning problems. It’s easier to look for answers in shiny new pieces of writing software.

New software will provide a distraction, but it will not write your book for you. Only you can do that, and you can do that in any software you already use. 

So, although you may not like it, the best writing software for a book is whatever you find most comfortable.

What writing questions do you have?

I’d love to know what writing questions you have. It’ll help me ensure the Write Your Memoir course is as useful as possible.

So email me and ask away! You’ll get a free, no-strings-attached answer and my undying gratitude!


Liz “Ask Me Anything” Green
Book Coach, Green Goose Writing

*These are affiliate links because I LOVE and LIVE BY these programs! I couldn’t do my work (or grocery shopping or Christmas present purchasing) without them. As I rave about them to everyone, I use affiliate links so I get paid a few pennies for anyone who signs up with my link.


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