I’ve been working behind the scenes on something I’m really excited about. But before I spill the beans, I want to ask you a few things: Do you want to write or edit your book, but feel overwhelmed at the thought of it? Do you know you need help, but you’re not sure what type of help? Do you find yourself thinking, Do I need an editor? Or a ghostwriter? Should I take a writing course? What the hell is a book coach?

If You wonder what type of writing help you need, let me wave my magic wand for you!

(Okay, it’s a pencil. Not a wand. But whatever.)

I speak to people all the time who have these same thoughts. They want to make progress on their book and they know they need some sort of help, but they’re overwhelmed by the options available.

And frankly, they’re scared of wasting money on shit that won’t work for them.

No wonder they haven’t taken action.

So, ta daaaa! (Imagine me waving that pencil-wand now.)

Here’s a quick, free quiz to discover what type of writing help you need to start, finish, and feel proud of your book.


What if you’re not ready?

Even if you’re not sure you’re ready to get started, this one-minute quiz will show you the best path to take when you are ready, so you don’t waste time, energy, or money.

Instead, you’ll know the fastest way to start writing, get unstuck, or polish your manuscript so it’s ready for the world.

It literally just takes one minute. And I don’t mean literally like how we always say it. I mean literally literally.

One minute, people.

Then, email me and let me know your result. I’d love to hear. (And I’ll tell you what result I got for myself!)


Liz "One Minute Wonder" Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing

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