Enough faffing about. Here are three simple questions to decide if you're READY to invest time and energy into writing a book... or not. (AND be cool with your decision, either way. Happy times ahead.)

Let’s go.

Question 1: Do you know the theme of your story?

Most people who feel drawn to write a book want to share their story or experiences, and use it to help others.

Is that you? Are you nodding along like a bobblehead puppy dog?

Great! In that case, your book’s theme is the key take-away from your story or experiences. It’s the overarching lesson you want to leave them with. If readers remember one thing after finishing your book, it will be… whatever your theme is.

So, go ahead and finish that sentence:
If people remember one thing after finishing my book, it will be…

There is no right or wrong here. “Theme” can be interpreted many ways. You don’t have to be confident you’ve nailed it, but you need some idea.

If you can’t think of anything to end that sentence, we’ve got a problem. You likely don’t have enough perspective to write clearly about your experiences so someone else can “get it.”

Do you know the theme of your story?

No = Spend some time writing and journaling to reflect on your experiences and find a bit more perspective that could be helpful for others.

Yes = Keep reading this blog!

Question 2: Do you know your goal for the book?

I once coached a client (we’ll call her Josie) who thought her book’s theme was, “My dad is an asshole.”

He was.

As we worked together, we talked through her goal for the book. Was she writing for the therapy of processing her thoughts on the page? Was she writing to be able to finally tell her truth? To leave her story for her kids? Did she want a writing career? A bestseller? A million bucks? An apology from her douchebag dad?

Through our coaching, Josie realized she really wanted to help others. Yes, she wanted to give daddy the finger, but she was more motivated to help other young women trying to navigate narcissistic fathers.

When you know the goal you want to achieve, you have a reason for writing. A reason that will keep you going when it gets tough. (Spoiler: It will get tough at times. But you are capable of doing difficult things. And it’s easier when you understand your goal.)

You also have a direction that will guide you through the writing process, making the whole thing easier. Yay.

Do you know your goal for your book?

No = That’s okay. Take some time to think and dream on it.

Yes = Keep reading this blog!

Question 3: Do you WANT to do this now?

Let’s say you answered yes to the previous two questions. You have enough perspective to understand the theme of your book, and you’re clear on your goal for it.

That doesn't mean anything if you just don’t want to do it yet.

Perhaps you’ve dreamed of writing a book forever, but frankly, you just want to deal with the other stuff on your plate right now. You have a demanding life, and you don’t WANT to get the laptop out again after putting the kids to bed. You just want all the wine and all the Netflix.

That’s okay.

I am giving you permission to let yourself off the hook and ditch the dream if that’s what needs to happen. It’s okay to do that.

Just because you’ve dreamed of writing a book forever doesn’t mean you have to dream of it forever more. Or… you can keep the dream but deliberately choose to set it aside for now.

I’ll say it again: it’s okay.

Writing is not the only worthwhile thing in this world.

How do you feel when you think about setting the book idea aside? Is there relief? Or does it make you want to scream?

Do you WANT to do this now?

No = That’s okay. Give yourself permission to set this aside for now. You can always return to the idea another time.

Yes = Well, well, well. Isn’t that interesting! If you’ve answered yes to all three questions, I believe you ARE ready to write your book. For reals.

What you do next is up to you, my friend.


Liz “Are You Ready?” Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing


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