“Yeah, no, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

That was what the college program administrator said when I proposed my class idea.

She’d invited me in to discuss teaching a writing class at the college. I'd perched on the edge of my seat, practically bouncing with excitement about my great idea. She sat on the other side of the mahogany desk, hair pulled back tight, polite smile even tighter.

I’d just finished telling her we should teach How to Write a Non-Fiction Book. And she was not impressed.

“Yeah, no, I don’t think anyone would be interested in that,” she said. “No one wants to write a self-help book.”

She was wrong, of course. Just take a scroll through Amazon and you’ll discover plenty of people who wanted to—and did—write a self-help book.

I took a deep breath and prepared to tell her she was an idiot, but then she said something that stopped me short.

People want to write about their life. The things that happened to them. They want others to understand what they went through. They want to leave their mark on the world.”

Well, shit, I thought. She wasn’t wrong there.


Helping people share their stories

So I went home and thought about how I could help people do just that. And I came up with the Write Your Memoir course, which Ms. Tight Smile loved, and I went on to teach in-person at the college.

It was incredible. I was blown away by how much progress my students made.  They went from feeling overwhelmed and unsure they could even do this book thing to writing confidently, finishing their memoirs, and feeling proud of sharing their stories with the world.

When the pandemic hit, students asked if I continue teaching the class online. I did. And they worked so hard on following my guidance, writing their memoirs, and sharing their stories.

I took what I learned from teaching in-person, tweaked the curriculum to make it more kick-ass, and (with the college’s blessing) turned Write Your Memoir into an online course available to anyone.

But then I canceled it.

Because although the course curriculum worked really well (one woman said, “I LOVE writing my book now!”) it was missing something in its online format.



A sense that we’re not alone in trying to do this big, ambitious, difficult thing.


Write Your Memoir—but better

So now I have a vision of relaunching the Write Your Memoir course but with community at its core.

I don’t know exactly what this will look like yet, but I’m looking to work with a few people who can help me co-create a group which:

  • Learns together,

  • Writes together,

  • Supports each other, and

  • Gives each other a gentle kick up the butt to keep on writing and feel proud of putting words on the page.


Writing on your own can feel lonely and even kinda hopeless at times. You have no idea if anyone would care about your story or be moved by your words.

But there’s something magical about learning and writing with others who really get it.

Who understand what we’re trying to accomplish and know the support we need.

Who value what you’re doing and gently push you towards the finish line. 


I want to invite you

If you’re writing a memoir or have thought about it but not started yet, I want to invite you to join me. I want you to be part of this community—especially if you’re willing to help me shape this idea.

That means:

  • If you join me as a Founding Member of the reimagined Write Your Memoir course and community, and

  • Are willing to contribute ideas on how we can make this THE BEST online program to support people who want to share their story

I  would love to give you a special Founding Members price.

When I relaunch the Write Your Memoir course and community to the public, I anticipate the starting price will be around $997 (which will still be a steal, given that we’re helping people finally do the thing they’ve been dreaming of forever).

But if you join me today as a Founding Member, and your price will be $497. That's a 50 percent discount, baby!

And when we roll this bad boy out to the public at the higher price, you’ll have lifetime access locked-in at the Founding Member rate.

As I said, I haven’t figured out all the details yet. I’m guessing some of the best ideas will come from you and the others who join as Founding Members. When we know what you’re craving, we can create that for you.

This Founding Members offer will only be open until December 24, 2021. (That's Friday, y'all!)

Then the goal is to officially relaunch Write Your Memoir, with the community component, on February 8. Between now and then, I’ll be sharing ideas back and forth with Founding Members. Then we'll all get started together next month.


Let's change your life

One thing I do know is the Write Your Memoir course and community will help you go from feeling overwhelmed and unsure if you can even do this book thing to writing confidently, finishing your memoir, and feeling proud of sharing your story with the world.

It’s pretty much all I can think about right now. And I imagine what Ms. Tight Smile would say if she saw my long list of notes for making this thing truly brilliant. I think she’d agree it’s an incredible idea! Even a life-changing one for those who sign up.

That life-changing journey to being a real author can start today. Sounds fun, right?! Or, not to sound too dramatic, but... epic, even.

I mean, becoming an actual author? That's definitely epic.

Join me. Become a Founding Member. Find an epic community. Your community. And we'll do this thing together.

All you need to do is click here to email me and say:

Yes! I’m in!

See you on the other side.


Liz "Let’s Do It Together" Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing

P.S. Got everyone else a Christmas present already? Maybe it's time to get yourself one...? Click here and say: Yes! I'm in!

P.P.S. Like your chances to be good for Santa, this offer expires at midnight on December 24 (Pacific time), 2021. Don't miss the big ol' discount and chance to tell me exactly what you want.


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