Last month, I signed a contract to write a new self-help book. I proudly announced to my step-dad, "I'm writing a book!" And he said, "You'd better be. Isn't that your job?"

Nothing like good ol' parental pride, huh.

But he's right. Working on non-fiction books is literally my job. I'm an editor, book coach, and ghostwriter. If I'm not working on a book or two, I ain't bringing home the bacon.

So yes, I was proud of writing two books, editing two books, and coaching on another in 2021. But you know what I was really proud of?

Writing the complete first draft of my first ever novel. It's a thriller. It's 263 pages long. And I'm pretty proud of it (even though it still needs a TON of work).

I'm proud because I have been trying—and failing—to write a novel every since I produced this corker when I was ten.


I managed to finish my first draft because, after thinking about writing a novel for 25 years, I finally decided to commit to writing it.

It wasn't that I miraculously found time (or the courage) to write.

It was a conscious decision to commit.

And when I made that decision, I didn't know how I would write. I didn't know how to plot or create characters or make a writing habit or finish a book.

I just knew I was committing to figuring it out.

That's all.

A commitment to myself to finally make it happen. Even if I didn't know how.


Here's where it starts. Or not.

You're reading this because you've thought about writing a book. Well, guess what? It's January. A new year means time for new goals, new commitments, all that shit.

So, are you ready to commit to writing your book this year?

It's cool if you're not. Seriously. We all have a lot going on in life. If you don't want to deal with writing right now, that's a-okay.

I'm just here to remind you: If you do want to write a book, it will only happen when you commit to making it happen.

You don't need to know everything about writing. You don't need to have the plot figured out. You don't even need to know where to start yet.

You just need to commit to doing this thing you want.

The rest will come in time.


Doing it for yourself

This year, I am committing to editing and finishing my novel. (In addition to the self-help book I'm writing for work.)

What are you committing to? Not for anyone else, or any "shoulds" or "need tos." For yourself. What are you going to do for yourself this year?

Whatever it is, I'm stoked for you for making that commitment. As someone with a finished first draft can tell you, it feels awesome to commit in January and hold the results in your hand in December.


(Yes, this is literally what I held in my hand in December. The fruits of my labor!)

If you're committing to writing your book this year, let me know! Click here to email me and say:

I'm committing to writing my book. Even if I don't know how.

And if it's something else, I'm cheering you on for that too, so let me know. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


Liz "Doing It For Myself" Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing


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