It's so easy to make writing SUPER SERIOUS. It sounds very grown up and proper to declare, "I'm writing a book." And it seems like something we should take [insert deep Morgan Freeman voice]... seriously. But why so serious? Can writing a book be fun?!

My business is called Green Goose Writing. My logo is a goose-shaped G (or a G-shaped goose, if you prefer). Not a pen. Not a quill or a typewriter or a pad of paper.

A god damn goose.


And I can hear what you're thinking...

What's with the goose, Liz? (And what does that have to do with my writing?)

First, I'll tell you the reason I usually give about the goose thing. Then I'll explain the real reason for the waterfowl. Then we’ll talk about you. 

1. The goose represents my dual British-Canadian citizenship.

I was born and raised in south London, England, and I've lived in western Canada for 14 years. The Brits traditionally ate goose at Christmas. I have fond memories of walking with my grandparents past lakes dotted with noisy geese. And the Canada Goose is, well, Canadian. So the goose blends both my identities.

2. Really? I just like how Green Goose sounds.

Green is my last name. Green Goose sounds silly. It's fun. It's got jack-all to do with writing. It's random and kinda dumb. I like that. It reminds me not to make business so serious I squash all the life out of it.


So, here's your writing lesson

Here's my writing lesson—nay, challenge for you: What would it take to make writing your book feel fun?

Legit question.

I don't know what's fun to you, so you're gunna have to answer this for yourself.

For me, last summer I wrote while sitting on my paddle board. (Yes, just as risky as it sounds. But fun, too.)

For you, it might be:

  • Drinking your favorite fancy tea while you write.

  • Noting down the funny stories you remember.

  • Rewarding yourself with a hunk of giant Toblerone after each book session.

  • Smiling and feeling good about being able to share your story.

  • Playing Lionel Richie at full blast while you work.

What will make writing your book feel fun?

If you're not sure, experiment. Try whatever comes to mind, even if it seems dumb.

What if it can't be fun?

Now, if you're writing about some dark shit from your past, for example, you might not be able to find FUN in in. That's okay.

Instead, ask, How can I make this INTERESTING? 

I don't mean for the reader. For you. What would make this process interesting for you?

Change your writing environment. Start in the middle with that memory you know you need to explore. Structure it as a series of letters to your younger self. Draw flower doodles down the edge of every page.

Whatever comes to mind, try it out. Play with it.

It's okay to embrace the interesting, dumb, silly, fun nonsense, even as we do something as serious as building a business or writing a book.

Seriously. Have fun. Make fun. 


Liz "Goosey Goose Goose" Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing


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