Your grammar doesn’t matter. I don't give a flying fork about your punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphs, or any other grammar crap. And if you’re writing a book, you shouldn’t either. Seriously.

Yes, I am a legit, professional, paid-for-my-work editor. Yes, I love great writing and want to shred poorly-written books in my Ninja blender. No, I am not trying to scam you into paying ME to fix your grammar. (I'm fully-booked until Jan 2023. Appreciate the thought, but can't take the work anyway.)

I am just so sick of people getting tripped up worrying if they've got the commas right, or what speech marks they should use, or if it's okay to start a sentence with and, or—and this one's the real kicker—if they're a good enough writer.

Are you a good enough writer?

This question—whether you're a good enough writer—has an obscene amount of power. It can stop any wannabe writer dead in their tracks.

And it usually has its roots in insecurity over grammar and style stuff.

When you're not confident you know all the things "real writers" know, you start to feel shaky.

You shut down.

You think maybe it's not worth it, anyway.

I mean, you don't want to embarrass yourself.

And what if you put all that effort in and no one reads it because it's not quite up to standard?

Holy forking shirt balls! With all that pressure, of course you stop writing!

No wonder it feels hard!

But you know what?

For most people, writing is a hobby. And A HOBBY SHOULD BE FUN.

Challenging, sure. Tricky, yeah. But hobbies should not make you feel like a big bowl of turd.

If writing makes you feel icky

If the thought of writing makes you feel icky or sad or scared or bummed out...

It's time to let the pressure off.

You do NOT need to write with perfect grammar.

I don't care if your punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling suck.

I don't give a fork if every page is almost illegible.



You will feel better for it.

There are ways to fix grammar and improve your writing later. You can use free, online editing programs, or pay a professional editor, or give the smart kid next door some cookies in exchange for looking over your writing.

But that's for future-you to worry about.

For now, just write. Badly if need be.

It's okay. I don't care.

I just want you to take a breath and enjoy this hobby that feels forking amazing.


Liz "Don't Give a Fork" Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing


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