Have you ever wondered how to publish an audiobook? Or if it’s even possible to self-publish audiobooks? Do you hold secret dreams of narrating your own audiobook one day? (I do!) Maybe you’re wondering how to record high-quality audio to appear on podcasts and promote your book. Well, good news. I’ve found the perfect book for you! It’s Audio for Authors by Joanna Penn. Here’s what you need to know…

For the record

For the record, I did not help write, edit, or publish this book. As a book coach and former ghostwriter, people sometimes wonder if I was covertly involved in books I talk about, but alas, I was not involved in this one.

I’m also not paid to promote the book. The author, Joanna Penn, did gift me a copy of the audiobook, though, as I’m a supporter of her podcast, The Creative Penn. I listen to her show every week and love her curated publishing news report and personal updates from the life of a fellow writer. She also features interviews with other writers and marketers, which are worth checking out. Sometimes Joanna offers free promo codes to supporters of her show, and I was lucky enough to snag one for this book.

What’s Audio for Authors about?

Here’s the official low-down on Audio For Authors: Audiobooks, Podcasting, And Voice Technologies:

A review of Audio for Authors by Joanna Penn.

Do you want to create, publish and market your audiobooks? Are you ready to use podcasting to grow your author brand and reach more readers with your books?

Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment in publishing with double-digit growth in markets across the world. Podcasting has gone mainstream with listeners consuming audio on mobile phones and in-car devices, as well as through smart speakers. Advancements in voice technology continue to expand possibilities for audio creation and marketing.

With such rapid growth in opportunity, how can you position your books in an increasingly voice-first world?

I've been podcasting for over a decade as well as narrating and producing my own audiobooks since 2014. I'm an avid consumer of audio content and I'm also experimenting with AI voice technologies. In this book, I'll share everything I know so you can position your books and your author brand for the next shift in reader behavior.

looking to learn

I’m not actually looking to self-publishing an audiobook. I help authors write and edit their books, then connect them with publishing pros to get that book into readers’ hands (or ears). Several of the books I’ve ghostwritten have been published in audiobook format, as well as hard copies, paperbacks, and ebooks, but I don’t get involved in the publishing process.

I wanted to learn about the audiobook publishing process, though, so I can answer clients’ questions about whether it’s possible, what’s involved, and how much it costs.

I’m also interested in podcasting. I’ve appeared on several shows as a guest speaker and love the chance to geek out about writing and offer advice. I plan to amp-up my podcast appearances this year and wanted advice on how to be an excellent podcast guest.

My honest review of Audio for Authors

I was a bit nervous about being gifted a copy of this audiobook. I’m such a fan of Joanna Penn and, although she doesn’t know me personally, it would’ve been really awkward if I hadn’t loved the book.

But we can all breathe a sigh of relief! The book is incredible. I was impressed with its thoroughness. It answered every question I had and, when new questions emerged as I listened, it answered those as well.

Joanna Penn narrates the audiobook herself (as you’d expect), and she was excellent. I’ve enjoyed a few of her other books for writers, and I think she just keeps getting better. The sound quality was perfect, her voice was engaging, and I did more housework than I’ve accomplished in a long time—just so I had an excuse to keep listening.

I learned everything I needed to know about podcasting and audiobook publishing, as well as few unexpected ideas for future possibilities.

I finished the book more excited than ever for the future of books and what it means for my clients—people who would love to see their book on Audible but think it’s out of their reach.

If you dream of your own audiobook

Dear reader, if that’s you, please know that you can publish an audiobook. Read Audio for Authors to find out how. Even if you’re not quite ready yet (as in, you haven’t finished writing the damn thing), understanding the opportunities for your book might help motivate you to finally finish. I highly recommend checking it out.

Read more about Audio For Authors: Audiobooks, Podcasting, And Voice Technologies or buy the book on Joanna Penn’s site.

Your book recommendations

What are you reading right now? I’ve love to hear. Shoot me an email and we can swap recommendations!


Liz "I Read with My Ears" Green
Book Coach, Green Goose Writing


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