You want to write a book, but there are a million other things you want to do. And watching the Barbie movie on Prime is only one of the things that seems easier than writing. So, why should you write a book? Why is it worth it?

Would your time—MY time—be better spent doing something else easier or more enjoyable or more productive?

Well, as the most annoying phrase on the planet says… that depends. It depends on your goals.

If you have one of THESE SIX GOALS, I’m going out on a limb to say writing a book IS worth it. These are six great reasons to write a book. But if you don’t care about these six things, you get a free pass to blow off writing and go watch the Barbie movie.

Six reasons you should write a book

1. Demonstrate your knowledge and passion
Wanna convince people you care about a subject? Want them to see you know your shit? Write a book and prove it.

2. Help you become an authority in your niche
Once you’ve proven you’re passionate and knowledgeable (see above), people will trust you as an authority on whatever you’re babbling about.

3. Get you speaking gigs and media coverage
Conference planners, organization leaders, the interns at media outlets who determine whose emails get passed on… all these folks are gagging for people to speak, but they need a quick way of knowing you have something to say. Show them a book and they trust you have a message worth sharing.

4. Help you share your message with a bigger audience
You can only work one-on-one with a limited number of people. It’s simple logistics. You have the opportunity to get your message out to more people with a book.

5. Help people know, like, and trust you
A book lets people feel your vibe. It’s an easy way for them to feel you out and come to feel like they know, like, and trust you.

6. Let folks try out before investing in your bigger offer
And… once they know, like, and trust you (see above), they are more willing to invest in working with you, whether that’s in a course, group program, or one-on-one work.

It’s worth it if…

It’s worth writing a book if one or more of those things is important to you. If something from this list is making you nod your head… that is why you should write a book. Now you know!

(And guess what? You can still watch Barbie after working on your book. Yay!)


Liz “Worth It” Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing

P.S. Keep your eyes open for next week’s post, because I’m going to tell you about the SECRET SEVENTH goal that might just be exactly why YOU want to write your book. Stay tuned!


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