Do you want to write a book, but just the idea of it feels overwhelming? For some reason, the pull to write a book won’t go away, but you can’t even imagine how to make it happen? Well, my friend, THAT is the number one reason writing a book feels overwhelming. You can’t imagine it.

And what we can’t imagine feels abstract. Alien. Not really real. Not ever able to be real. It is, quite literally, unimaginable.

You must imagine

You will kick overwhelm in its big, hairy butt when you can finally imagine what your book will be like.

  • Is it going to be the ultimate self-help guide to taking action and getting results?

  • Will it be a juicy, tell-all memoir that gives a giant middle finger to the ass-hats who wronged you?

  • Perhaps it’ll be a gentle exploration of difficult conversations, shared with love and empathy for yourself and others?

  • What about a good ol’ mix of advice and stories, sharing what you’ve learned and helping others take their next steps?

  • Or something else entirely? A space opera inspired by your teenage years. A six-step framework to achieve your goals. Actionable advice in poetic verse. Who knows?!

And that’s the point: who knows?

You must know.

You must imagine what your final, finished book could look like.

You don’t need to completely, unequivocally decide for absolute sure, no-backsies. But if you can start to imagine, you will feel so much better.

You will feel less overwhelmed.

The overwhelm will dissipate because your brain will see what you imagine and go, “Oh, cool! That looks awesome. Guess I don’t need to stress about that any more.”

The first, necessary step

Is this a perfect cure-all? No. You’ll get this nailed, then there’ll be another challenge bowling your way, and another right after. But this is the first very necessary step to ditching overwhelm and getting moving.

AND it’s the first step to enjoying the writing process. Because it can be so much fun.

We’ll talk next time about HOW to imagine what your book could look like, and how to have FUN while figuring it out.

For now, know that you do not have to feel overwhelmed. You can imagine and envision and engage with your book long before it exists in any way.

Have fun imagining your book. Let your imagination kick overwhelm in the butt.


Liz “Crystal Clear” Green
Editor, Book Coach, and Ghostwriter
Green Goose Writing

P.S. Sharing is caring. Send this post to someone who could use some writing encouragement. They can take the quiz on what's REALLY stopping them from writing their book here.


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