What’s REALLY Stopping You from Writing Your Book?
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You Don’t Know Where to Start
You’ve always thought about writing a book and even tried writing some stories. You know you're an okay writer, and you sense you have something worth sharing. Now it is the time to do this thing. But where do you start? You have no idea how to get going.
You’re Stuck in the Weeds
You have a few chapters or an almost finished draft, but you're not satisfied. You can tell your manuscript isn't there yet. Maybe it's not finished, but you feel lost and don't know what to write next. You’re stuck in the weeds and can’t see how to improve it.
You Don’t Have Anyone to Guide You (and Hold Your Feet to the Fire)
You've got an idea but no words, or a few rough chapters, or even a substantial draft. But thinking about what comes next... well, you feel a bit lost. You wish someone could guide you through the process and tell you what to do next.
You want someone to (lovingly) hold your feet to the fire, keeping you accountable so you actually do the work. And you need honest (but kind) feedback so you know if your ideas and words are any good.
You Don’t Want to Carry the Weight of Writing All Alone
You have a message to share, a story to tell, or something you know will inspire others, and it’s time to get it into the world.
But you’re busy. You’re working hard and barely have time for everything you’re already committed to. And you don’t want to have to figure this out all alone.