What’s REALLY stopping you from writing your book?
You don’t want to Carry the Weight of Writing All Alone
You’re ready to write your book. You have a message to share, a story to tell, or something you know will inspire others, and it’s time to get it into the world.
Taking that mental step and deciding to do this is huge. It's an incredible commitment to you, your ideas, and your story. And that's worth celebrating!
But you’re busy. You’re working hard and barely have time for everything you’re already committed to. And honestly, you’re not really sure where to start with this book thing, even if you did have the hours.
Maybe you’ve tried listing out a table of contents, gathering resources and notes, or even writing the first chapter. You’ve discovered that although you’re great at what you do every day, this book thing is new, and you don’t know what you’re doing. It feels like a mission to figure it out all alone.
If you’re going to do this thing, you need help. Real, professional, get-’er-done help from a partner who carries the weight of writing, manages the project, gets the best words out of you, and crafts them into a book you're proud of.
Yes, a book that’s an asset in building your business, but more than that. A treasure trove of everything you know to be true. And an accomplishment that no one can ever take away.
I mean, imagine handing your book to someone coming up behind you and saying, “Here. This is everything I wish someone had told me.” You’ve done your part to contribute to the next generation.
And you can find peace in knowing you contributed something bigger than yourself to this world. You’ve created a legacy that will outlive you.
Hold up! If this doesn't sound like what you need, I'm sorry. My crystal ball quiz is pretty awesome, but any Harry Potter fans (ahem, like me) know crystal balls can be tricky. If your result sounds way off-base, click here to see the other options. Otherwise, let's crack on.
1. First, remember knowledge is power
So, here’s the big secret: a ghostwriter can be that person for you. But unless you’re in the industry, you probably have no idea what a ghostwriter does or how it all works.
That’s okay! You don't need to become an expert in book publishing, but a little knowledge will give you a lot of power as you explore how a ghostwriter partner can hep you write, publish, and feel proud of your book.
I've ghostwritten 16 non-fiction business, self-help, and memoir books, edited countless others, and spoken to approximately seventy bajillion authors along the way.
Here are answers to the most common questions I'm asked from those considering ghostwriting:
Before I go down this road, can I even get a book published?
Yes. Yes, you can. Anyone can publish a book these days. There are many different paths to publishing, and they are all within reach if you are willing to learn. Publishing a book is absolutely possible for anyone with an internet connection and a manuscript to share.
Get the more detailed and helpful version of this answer here!
How much can I earn from a book?
Hiring expert help from a ghostwriter does require an investment, so it’s natural to consider your potential return. If you've tried googling how much you can make from book sales, you know it's hard as hell to get a straight answer! I heard two fellow book coaches talking about what you can earn from your book, and the differences in these conversations blew my mind.
I don’t want to tell you the first woman’s real name, so let’s call her Agent Baddie. Click here to find out what Agent Baddie said, what the other coach said, and my answer to how much you can earn from a book.
How much does it cost to self-publish a book?
If you're planning ahead to get an idea of whether you can do this, you're my kind of person! But it’s a pain in the ass to get a straight answer because there are a bajillion self-publishing options, all with different price tags.
We can, however, break this down into three broad price categories, so you can make smart, informed decisionsabout how to budget for self-publishing your book. Click here for details.
2. Then, bring on a PArtner
Many (if not most) business books, self-help guides, and celebrity memoirs are ghostwritten, which means a professional writer has joined the team so the author doesn’t have to carry the weight of writing alone. A ghostwriter crafts the author's real words, stories, and teaching into a fantastic, page-turning format.
If you're ready for the same upscale, get-'er-done, professional approach, here are your next steps:
1. Discover how ghostwriting can get you to the finish line
Do that on this page. You'll learn what the process looks like, how it ensures every word is authentically yours, and when you can expect to hold your finished manuscript in your hands.
2. Email me to talk about working together
You can do that right here. We can discuss whether we'd be a good fit for each other and what timelines could look like. If I'm booked up too far in advance (which does happen), I'll give you advice on finding another great ghostwriter.
If you gave me your email address on the last page, I'll send new blog posts with more free writing advice and inspiration direct to your inbox, so you can keep your energy and momentum going.
Or even, dare I say, give it a big ol’ booster rocket ride! Just wait and see what happens when you’re getting regular pep talks from someone who understands what you’re trying to do, and believes with all her heart that it matters. (That’s me, by the way. I’ll be there for you, cheering you on.)
If you skipped that step, that’s cool. But I want you to sign up below to get my regular emails with free writing advice and inspiration because I know you can do this book thing.
But I also know it’s hard to do on your own, and I want to be there for you. I wanna be the big ol’ rocket booster under your butt, pushing you (lovingly, of course) to do this beautiful, challenging, life-changing thing. Get the emails, and you’ll get the momentum to keep going.
Plus, you’ll enjoy some classic writing jokes like this gem:
What dinosaur is a writer's best friend?
A thesaurus.
Yeah. You want in, right? Sign up below.
Let me introduce myself
I’m Liz Green, the editor, book coach, and ghostwriter behind Green Goose Writing. I’ve written 16 books, taught college writing classes, and edited countless manuscripts to help people tell their stories.
But those I work with don’t think of themselves as “real writers.” They’re everyday folks like you who want to write a book that will inspire others but are stuck trying to get the words on the page.
Maybe you're used to getting things done in other areas of your life, and you’re frustrated that, for some reason, your book just isn’t working. But you know now is the time to push through and do this.
And I love that. I love working with people who are stepping outside their wheelhouse, maybe feeling a bit scared or intimidated, but doing it anyway because they know they have something worth sharing. If that’s you, you’re my kind of person!
I am here to help you figure this thing out, finally write your book, and feel proud of sharing your words with the world.