As a big ol' word nerd, I turn to books to learn about important issues. I've found some good lists of books to learn about racism and help me become a more vocal anti-racist. I'm sharing them with you in this post.

I want to take this opportunity to be very clear: Black lives matter. Black voices matter. Black stories matter.

The publishing industry has traditionally been horrible at helping minority stories be heard. I want to change that. The first step is to change myself.

I've always passionately believed in equality. And yet... I haven't always stood up and told people around me that their racist comments aren't okay. I've let far too many remarks slide because I didn't want to make things awkward or disrespect my elders.

I haven't proactively sought out stories by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color authors. Until this conversation broke in the news, I didn't even realize how White my bookshelves are.

I am going to do better, because equality is everything, and only when we listen to diverse viewpoints can we understand how to make this world more equal.

Listening and learning

As a big ol' word nerd, I turn to books to learn about important issues. I've found some good lists of books that will help me become better educated in this area, and I'm sharing them with you below.

I invite you to join me in committing to being a more vocal anti-racist. I'm learning that it's not enough to just believe everyone deserves to be treated equally. We must actively listen, participate in the conversation, using our voices to amplify those of minorities.

  • I'm not going to let racist comments around me slide anymore. I'm going to remind myself that awkward = improved.

  • I'm going to read up on the issues so I feel more confident speaking up for equality. When I feel hesitant to open a book because I can't handle something heavy right now, I'll remind myself that there will never be a "good" time, but it must still be done.

  • I'm going to help amplify Black and other minority stories in publishing. I don't have the details figured out yet, but I'm working on it.

I know this conversation needs to be focused on Black people and their voices and experiences. I also know that to improve the world, I have to start with myeveryday actions.

What are you doing, reading, and learning? Email me and let me know. I'd love to learn with you.

Recommended books about racism

Click here for a list of ten non-fiction books about anti-racism.

Click here for a list of five fiction books by Black authors.

I'm starting with How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. What about you?


Liz "Let's Do Better" Green
Book Coach, Green Goose Writing

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